Founding Lawyer/Brand Representative
Songul Usta, graduated from Marmara University Law Faculty in 1998. After completing advocacy internship, she worked as lawyer in a law company. In 2002, Usta established Usta Law Office and in 2003, she became successful in brand representation examination, thus, obtained brand representation document and Brand, Geographical Mark and Industrial Design brand representation document. Usta, in 2005 started post graduate studies on private law in Marmara University Law Faculty in 2005 and she wrote her master’s thesis on “Transfer And Distrain Of Title” in 2009. Usta started her doctorate education and she attended various programs in the United States of America between 2010-2011. Currently, Usta continues doctorate program and since the beginning her career she has been continuing studies on trade, intellectual right, pursuit, business and real estate law issues.
Kumbasar graduated from Marmara University Law Faculty in 2011 and she completed her advocacy internship program in 2012. After that, she started to work in Usta Law Office on trade law and execution-bankruptcy law
Fakih graduated from Aleppo University (Syria) Law Faculty in 2008. In 2012, she completed her masters education in the same university with her thesis, titled “Registration of Joint Stock Companies to the Damascus Stock Exchange Market”. She participated in French language certificate program in France, in Clermont-Ferrand Blaise Pascal University and she worked in Syria for 2 years as a law apprentice on private law and company law. Fakih continues her works in Turkey, especially on international affairs.
Manager’s Assistant